
J. Haydn Sinfonia della Passion
J.Ch.Bach Sinfonia sol minore 
Rheinberger Stabat Mater

con coro Sine Nomine di Varese (Giuseppe Reggiori direttore)
La Risonanza
Fabio Bonizzoni direzione

Ogni tanto è bello osservare orizzonti meno noti. Innamorati come siamo della musica barocca, ci piace oggi guardare un poco più in là e proporvi la bellissima Sinfonia della Passione di Haydn.



Throughout my musical career, some of the most meaningful and memorable moments have been captured through recordings. I am pleased to share with you a comprehensive list of the many albums that I have been a part of - some of which I have recorded independently, while others were created in collaboration with a few close colleagues or with a large ensemble. As an active performer for many years, particularly with La Risonanza, there are indeed many recordings to my name - perhaps even an overwhelming number.