
C. Farina (1600-1639) 

Capriccio stravagante 


H.I.F. Biber (1644-1704) 

Sonata rappresentativa


M. Uccellini (1603-1680) 

Maritati insieme la Gallina, e il Cucco


J.J. Walther (1650-1717) 

Scherzo d´Augelli con il Cucco da Hortulus Chelicus 



Fabio Bonizzoni – clavicembalo e direzione 



Si acquista il biglietto scontato al prezzo di 7,50€ che comprende la visita del museo e l’ingresso al concerto. 


Throughout my musical career, some of the most meaningful and memorable moments have been captured through recordings. I am pleased to share with you a comprehensive list of the many albums that I have been a part of - some of which I have recorded independently, while others were created in collaboration with a few close colleagues or with a large ensemble. As an active performer for many years, particularly with La Risonanza, there are indeed many recordings to my name - perhaps even an overwhelming number.